Right, thats it then.
So 2 months to the day of the operation I’m back at work today. I imagine my inbox will be verging on hell and I also imagine I’ll be breaking out the ctrl-a, delete solution.
I’ve managed to crack on with a few projects over the break:
- The Sand Scorcher is all but done, some paint around the windows and decals to do.
- Nuala’s boat now has lights
- Edwards boat is now running brushless, is water tight again and is blue.
- The Fournier is finished.
- The Taylor Craft is finished.
- The Desert Fox burst into flames.
- A Dominus 10TR arrived to replace it.
- The downstairs loo is finished - although I only had a small bit of grouting to do.
- The BlackJack now has a motor and ESC - Just need to solder on the connectors and fit the motor into the boat.
- I’m about 75% through Doom on the PS4.
- I’m about 50% through Drive Club on the PS4.
- I’m about 30% through uncharted 4 on the PS4.
- My aquarium now has a temperature sensor connected to the Raspberry Pi Zero.
- The blog has had a massive tidy up of pages.
- I’ve written a load of update blog posts.
- I’ve started on a Nigel Hawes Can-Do.
- We’ve had the kitchen design done, the fitters arrive w/c 19th September.
- We’ve picked the new living room furniture.
- I’ve bought a new tele for the living room.
Phew. I thought I was taking it easy, but that seems like a lot!
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