• Blade 130X

    []({{ “/uploads/2012/12/BLH3780_a2.jpg” | prepend: site.baseurl }})So a trip to 308 Hobbies to buy a couple of snakes (Broken link http://www.sullivanproducts.com/GoldnRodMainFrame.htm) lead me to discover they had the 130X on sale at an unbelievable price. Ooops.  So in short, I came home with two snakes for the Tuc, oh and a new heli.  Ahem.

  • Broken Hotshot

    []({{ “/uploads/2012/12/IMG_7422-e1356105097440.jpg” | prepend: site.baseurl }})The lad has been having a bit of fun with his Losi Micro Truggy, slowly he is getting used to the throttle not being a binary thing and is learning he can pull it gently and the car goes slower. I figured maybe we could have some out doors with my Hotshot. So off we went to a local park (Broken link ~~https://maps.google.co.uk/maps?q=Alexandra+Park+Road,+London&hl=en&ll=51.592749,-0.135119&spn=0.007665,0.01929&sll=51.528642,-0.101599&sspn=0.491254,1.234589&oq=alexan&t=h&hnear=Alexandra+Park+Rd,+London,+United+Kingdom&z=16~~), much fun was had for half an hour or so, putting a couple of batteries through it. Until I noticed it was looking a bit saggy at the front, I’m used to the front suspension being a bit pathetic but something was clearly a miss.

    Upon inspection I noticed a couple of things, firstly the car was now 3 wheel driving, the front right drive shaft was missing and secondly, where the lower right suspension arm mounts onto the front gearbox was all very loose. I had noticed it take a couple of quite high speed knocks to the front, but this was a bit of a surprise. A bit of a closer look showed that the right half of the front gearbox had a nice big crack in it, as you can see from the picture over on the right! Click for a bigger one, this is the taken from underneath, you can see how big the crack is.

    I am now wondering about the choice of that upgraded Sport GT (Broken link http://www.tamiyausa.com/product/item.php?product-id=53779) motor I bunged into the chassis in a moment of weakness last year, maybe the stock 540 would have been enough for #1 son 🙂  I’ve now ordered up a pair of replacement front drive shafts and the ‘G’ Parts (Broken link http://www.tamiyausa.com/product/item.php?product-id=9115191) sprue which contains both halves of the front and rear gearboxes, from Fusion Hobbies. Hopefully if it happens again it is the left side that takes a knock, not the right!

  • Lego Mini Hogwarts Express (40028)

    We bought this set a while ago. I don’t like keeping piles of paper manuals around the place and normally manage to find a PDF copy online somewhere. With this one though I’ve had no luck, I did find some evidence that it was hosted on lego.com but it is now returning a 404. So I figured I’d scan mine, you can download that here. I’ve included the brickset.com entry for this set below.

  • Lego Series 8 Minifigs dot codes - updated

    Only one so far, the Diver, number 6.

    1. Evil Robot with a laser gun.

    2. Conquistador with a rapier.

    3. Lederhosen Guy with a pretzel.

    4. Cowgirl with a brown lasso.

    5. American Football Player with gold trophy.

    6. Diver with a harpoon.

    []({{ “/uploads/2012/09/Series8-6.jpg” | prepend: site.baseurl }})

    1. Downhill Skier with skis.

    2. Businessman with newspaper and suitcase.

    3. Fairy with wings and a wand.

    4. Santa with sack.

    5. Vampire Bat with bat wings.

    6. DJ with a disc and a disc case.

    7. Red Cheerleader with red pom poms.

    8. Actor with a skull.

    []({{ “/uploads/2012/09/Series8-14.jpeg” | prepend: site.baseurl }})

    1. Pirate Captain with gold cutlass and hook.

    2. Alien Villainess with a laser gun.

  • ADSL Speed test

    My home ADSL speed N22, London. BeBroadband.

  • Diamond Demon build - part 5

    Blimey, where did 6 weeks go!? After finishing off the lads boat, I’ve now tidied up a bit and started on the Demon again.

    As you can see, I’ve got the UC bent up and mounted and the former glued into the fuselage. That is probably it for tonight while the Epoxy sets. Tomorrow I’ll crack on with building up the front of the fuselage and test mounting the motor.