• AirPrint for iOS on Linux

    I quite often used to find myself wanting to print from my iPad, so when Apple announced AirPrint I thought things were looking good. According to the press release you would need either a HP printer or you could print to a shared printer on an existing mac. Sorted, I’ve got the latter of those, things were looking rosy.

    Things took a turn for the worse when I read that they had pulled support for printing via shared printers and were only going to allow AirPrint to certain (at the moment only HP) printers.  I wanted the feature, but not enough to replace my trusty Lexmark (Broken link ~~http://www.lexmark.co.uk/lexmark/product/home/369/0,6970,252735_796629346_1190270321_en,00.html?tabId=1~~).

    Luckily there are people like this guy on the internet who took the time to figure out how it works and have since published a nice simple guide about how to setup a Linux box as a AirPrint server. Mainly thanks to Cups and some Avahi magic.

    Sorted! And I’ve used it sufficiently to think spending an hour or so setting it up was worth while.

  • Instagram and Dropbox sitting in a tree…

    I love instagram on my phone, and I use Dropbox everywhere. And now, thanks to some cool folks you can now have all your instagram photos saved to your dropbox as soon as you take them.

    This was taken in the carpark under work one morning. Acton, London.

  • Useful error from VMware vCenter

    After what felt like an eternity VMware vCenter server produced the follow error, how nice of it to give me just part of the path to the logfile. After searching the drive for the log I discovered didnt even exist.

    []({{ “/uploads/2011/03/Screen-shot-2011-03-11-at-20.42.30.png” | prepend: site.baseurl }})

  • Toys

    Whilst having a bit of a tidy of my office I found a large sheet of black card, so I thought I’d have a bit of a play with photographing some of the random little toys I have sitting about the place.

  • Upgrading through every version of windows

    This guy takes a computer with MSDOS 5.0 installed and then upgrades through every major version of Windows all the way up to Windows 7.

  • VMware Server VNC console

    I use a Mac as my desktop and I’ve never successfully gotten the VMware Server console thing in the web interface to work. Which means if I need console access to a VM I have to boot a copy of windows somewhere and use IE in that.  This little trick gets me out of having to to that.

    Add the following lines to the VMX config file for each VM you want access to, then you can just connect in with any VNC client and get the console. Use the host/ip address of the vmware server itself when you connect. I halted each of my VMs while editing that file because I wan’t to make sure VMware wasn’t going to write to the file as well.

    RemoteDisplay.vnc.enabled = "TRUE"
    RemoteDisplay.vnc.password = "password"
    RemoteDisplay.vnc.port = "port"

    If you want more than one VM to use VNC you have to use different port numbers.

  • Tiny Wings

    My current iPhone game addiction, this is a delightfully simple little game with only a single control. Despite this, chaining a bunch of jumps together to reach fever mode is so satisfying. The procedurally generated graphics have such a nice, almost hand drawn feel to them, a really different look to anything else I’ve played recently. Love it!