• moviecollector77

    If you ever see this user on the Amazon marketplace don’t order from them. I bought something from them, they never shipped it and never responded to any communications.

    Ended up having to go elsewhere and cancel the order. I should have noticed in the feedback that nobody had purchased anything for 3 months. This SHOULD (!) have been a big warning to me, let it be to you!

    Avoid moviecollector77 at all costs, its less effort to go somewhere else right from the start.

  • Tamiya Sand Scorcher

    I’ve finally got round to uploading some pics I took while building the Scorcher, body is not painted yet. I’ll hopefully find the time to do that before long!

    More details over on the Sand Scorcher page here.

  • A year went quick

    Its taken me nearly 5 months to make this, but I finally got round to it!

    A photo of Edward each day for his first year..

  • Yay! Blade fixed!

    I finally received the part I broke on my Blade heli, I couldnt find a model shop which kept it in stock so I had to wait for it to come from a supplier 🙁

    I put it in yesterday and had a few quick flights, all seems well again, which is good news. Jenny took a little video of it flying, which is below. Keeping something so small and fast moving in focus and in the viewfinder is non trivial!

  • Sunset, rooftops, crane

    We had a gorgeous sunset here last night, we dont have much of a view from where we live, but I spotted this quite interesting roofline out of our bedroom window.

  • New Toy

    []({{ “/uploads/2011/05/blade_120_sr.jpeg” | prepend: site.baseurl }})Having recently seen one of these flying I thought I’d try one for myself. Good fun, until you break it 🙁 Spare bits en-route however! More info here.