Broken Engine mount
While out bashing in the fields around Alexandra Palace I managed to flip the thing, after getting it back on its wheels again it started to run quite rough. After a bit of investigation I noticed the engine mount was loose. Time to go home and investigate. After I got it on the bench and got the motor out it became clear, somehow the stock mount had snapped.
A trip to 308 Hobbies (the helpful people who sold me the Savage in the first place) and I was sorted out with a new, anodised purple! engine mount. It was a direct drop in replacement for the original HPI model, so the Savvy wasn’t on the work bench for long.
Whilst putting everything back together I noticed that a side effect of the motor mount breaking was a chunk was now missing off the carb. The missing bit was just around the collar of the sliding throttle, rather than order up a new carb I gave it a go as it was. Everything seems to work ok, so thats a few pounds saved :)
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