Yeo Valley walk
[]({{ “/uploads/2013/01/8033050444_c7cf5eb26a_o.jpg” | prepend: site.baseurl }})Back in September, Jenny won a free trip around the Yeo Valley farm. They produce a wide range of organic dairy products, including butter, milk and a range of tasty yoghurt’s and they were inviting people to come and have a look around. We didn’t really know what to expect to be honest, but were pleasantly surprised by what we found. They have recently converted an old hotel in Blagdon down in Somerset, into a lovely office and visitor centre (Broken link ~~,-2.721809&spn=0.002273,0.005681&oe=utf-8&client=firefox-a&safe=images&hq=yeo+valley+visitor+centre&hnear=London,+United+Kingdom&t=h&z=18~~), this is where we met up. Then we were taken by bus up the lanes to one of their farms, where they took us on a guided tour around some of the fields, explaining the organic process and how they look after the cattle. We ended the day with a look around one of the milk facilities. Below is a track of the walk around the farm.
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