Flying the S-Pou
Our monthly indoor meeting was last night and I got the chance to maiden the LiddleRod and the S-Pou.
The LiddleRod is really fast! After 5 mins or so I needed a sit down 🙂 Sadly one of the wheels was a little gunged up with Cyano during the build, meaning it doesnt turn freely, which has the knock on effect of causing the model to spin round on the spot when you try to increase the throttle for a ROG, hand launching was fine though. I had a couple of successful flights, the third ending prematurely when the motor broke from its mounting on the last flight. She turned sharp left and spiralled into the ground right after launch. I’m not sure why this happened, bit more experimentation required I think! Possibly I leant on the stick while trying to balance the TX and launching her. But on the whole, a pretty good first few flights. I was far happier with the rates turned down really low and a bit of expo.
As for the S-Pou, well that is a different bird altogether. Slow flying and sedate, flew beautifully right from the board, it didn’t need a single click of trim. I think it is perhaps a little tail heavy, with the firewall preventing me from getting the battery any further forward. Next time I’ll take some Blue-tac or similar to add a bit of weight in front of the firewall. A club mate shot the video shown below of the S-Pou in flight.
All good, and looking forward to next month!
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