I’ve just needed to snapshot a virtual machine running under VMware Fusion on my Mac but I only had SSH access. I’ve discovered the vmrun utility which is hidden away in XXX. VMware have a PDF of how to use it here. Very handy!

% <strong>export PATH=/Library/Application\ Support/VMware\ Fusion/:$PATH<br /> % vmrun listSnapshots SpaceWalk.vmx</strong><br /> Total snapshots: 1<br /> Fresh 5.2 all updates<br /> % <strong>vmrun -T fusion snapshot SpaceWalk.vmx "SpaceWalk Installed"</strong><br /> % <strong>vmrun listSnapshots SpaceWalk.vmx</strong><br /> Total snapshots: 2<br /> Fresh 5.2 all updates<br /> SpaceWalk Installed<br /> %
