The sed regular expressions are essentially the same as the grep regular expressions. They are summarized below.

  matches the beginning of the line
  matches the end of the line
  Matches any single character
  match arbitrarily many occurences of (character)
  Match 0 or 1 instance of (character)
  Match any character enclosed in [] (in this instance, a b c d e or f)<br /> ranges of characters such as <code>[a-z]</code> are permitted. The behaviour<br /> of this deserves more description. See the page on <a HREF="grep.html">grep</a><br /> for more details about the syntax of lists.
  Match any character <em>NOT</em> enclosed in [] (in this instance, any character other than a b c d e or f)
  Match m-n repetitions of (character)
  Match m or more repetitions of (character)
  Match n or less (possibly 0) repetitions of (character)
  Match exactly n repetitions of (character)
  Group operator.
  Backreference - matches nth group
  Matches expression1 or expression 2. Works with GNU sed, but this feature might not work with other forms of sed.